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Local Seo Marketing Services

As a business owner in Austin, Texas, you’re likely aware of the importance of having a strong online presence. But did you know that over 70% of online searches are for local products and services? This means that if your business isn’t optimized for local search, you’re missing out on a significant amount of potential

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two women sitting at a table looking at a laptop

How to Prepare for Upcoming Google and Yahoo! email Changes

The upcoming changes to Google and Yahoo! email authentication requirements, taking effect February 2024, aim to improve email security and reduce spam. Here’s how you can prepare: If you send bulk emails (over 5,000 per day): Authenticate your email with DKIM and DMARC: This verifies your identity as the sender, preventing spoofing and phishing attempts.

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Lost in 404 errors

Should I redirect all 404 errors?

Should I redirect all 404 errors? Sometimes we encounter new “SEO hacks” that people apply, that are actually bad SEO patterns. Should I redirect all 404 errors or individual redirect? One of these bad SEO patterns is to apply a 301 redirect to all your 404 pages to your homepage. This is a lot like cleaning

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Ecommerce Marketing Plan

How Can SEO Help Your Online Marketing Strategy?

What Benefits Can SEO Bring to Your Online Marketing Strategy? Search engine optimization is arguably the most effective online organic search marketing strategy currently in existence. It is hardly surprising that now more than ever many business establishments and even individuals are increasingly embracing this technique to achieve both their short term and long term

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crazy meme girl looking at cell phone

Local SEO – Optimizing for Search by Voice

We have been seeing forecasts of mobile devices overtaking desktop computers a few years ago and we are not surprised that the predictions have fulfilled spectacularly. The contributions of Dag Kittlaus of the Apple Siri project and those brilliant engineers at Google have made searching by voice the natural thing to do. We are under

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the city skyline is lit up at night

How to Select a Reliable Local SEO Company

  It goes without saying that a local SEO company with their well designed and optimized content is the most effective means to promote your online business. Today searches have become more specific, as customers give high priority for the location of products and services. A recent trend in search engine optimization campaigns is to

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Frustrated with Keyword Research?

If you find the right keywords you will more likely find success on the internet. Keywords drive the search engines and many webmasters know this but they still fail to find the best keywords for their website.   Finding the right keywords for your site is not very hard. Though I think it is important

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