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How We Ranked Weddings By Wendi to Beat TheKnot

There’s a powerful strategy behind how we helped Weddings By Wendi surpass The Knot in search rankings for most popular wedding dates 2024. By focusing on targeted SEO techniques and creating high-quality content tailored to your audience’s needs, you can significantly increase your visibility online. In this post, you’ll discover

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a close up of a bunch of lights on a map

Local Seo Marketing Services

As a business owner in Austin, Texas, you’re likely aware of the importance of having a strong online presence. But did you know that over 70% of online searches are for local products and services? This means that if your business isn’t optimized for local search, you’re missing out on

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Website Maintenance by Town Press Marketing

Importance Of Website Maintenance

Do you have a business website? Is it living up to expectations? Is it giving you the expected results? When was the last time you updated it? Never – seriously? Well! Website maintenance is the web industry’s hot potato, but it is very important. The reason you are not getting

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ou need a social media strategy from Town Press Marketing

Why do I need a social media strategy

Why do I need a social media strategy? You need a social media strategy – don’t let anyone tell you any different. And we’re not talking about posting a cute cat video once a week on Facebook with the hope that your customers think you’re as adorable as said cat.

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Ecommerce Marketing Plan

Growth Strategies in Local Business Marketing

Local businesses depend heavily on customer satisfaction, regular clientele, and good reputation. Therefore it is vital to make a favorable impression when meeting the public. It is vital that owners and managers stay above reproach, while maintaining a high profile in the community. Community Involvement and Local Public Perceptions It

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crazy meme girl looking at cell phone

Local SEO – Optimizing for Search by Voice

We have been seeing forecasts of mobile devices overtaking desktop computers a few years ago and we are not surprised that the predictions have fulfilled spectacularly. The contributions of Dag Kittlaus of the Apple Siri project and those brilliant engineers at Google have made searching by voice the natural thing

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